It’s Time To Live Your Richest Legacy Now!

I’m just like you, Beauty; I don’t look like what I’ve been through!

My kiddos and I haven’t always been jet setting the globe, sipping tea in some of the most coveted luxury hotels in the world, and having drool worthy experiences….

Far from it; I left home at 15, had hard knock after hard knock, after HARD knock; but in the deepest recesses of my being, I knew I was meant for so much more, and that the vision I had in my mind’s eye, and the desires in my heart, HAD to be for me and MY family, if they lived so fully and clearly in my heart.

I left a turbulent home life at 15, became a product of my environment, and lost my way for a bit. By the grace of God, I had a desire and a resolve that wouldn’t quit, and fiercely reinvented my mindset, life and legacy…

…but like most women, I suffered what I call the feminine fracture of losses, grief and heartbreak of various kinds, before going to the next level.

I knew I was called to mentor women from all over the world, but I sat behind my computer, overwhelmed, shrinking and wondering what I, Tonia Lewis, actually had to offer, though I’d already had decades of entrepreneurial success and experience, attracting and serving high level, celebrity clientele in all my beauty and boutique businesses, already styled looks for influencers, A-listers, and a Grammy nominated artist’s album covers and appearances, been a confidant and life coach to them all, made the cut for an elite celebrity styling team, been featured in papers and on the news; had the income, the lifestyle, the handsome hubby, stunning babies, dreamy social circles, my faith, and had gone from the young years of ‘broke as can be’, to finally blossoming; yet after all I’d been blessed to accomplish, I began to lose my confidence, my knowing, and my truest sense of self and purpose.

I began to settle, shrink, and started playing not to lose, instead of to win, and questioned myself at every turn.

I began to allow other people’s opinions to make me feel guilty for desiring more, and wasn’t giving myself permission to dream anymore.

I felt alone and unseen, wondering if I was the only one feeling this way.

I wasn’t FULLY connected to my heart or my power, was ignoring my strong intuition, and began looking outside of myself for answers…

I wasn’t using my voice, wasn’t being visible or stepping up to lead, and wasn’t honoring my truest dreams and desires at the level I was called to.

I’d lost a sense of their importance, enduring life’s demands, and little by little I felt less and less ‘ME’.
I lost a sense of self and confidence as things were moving at the speed of life, and while I was busy, and exhausted, being everything to everyone.

I Thank God for waking up out of that trance and coming HOME!

I woke up to my truth and became relentless at doing the work to heal, up-level, and transform unsupportive beliefs and ways of being that was holding me back from the RICH life that was calling to me, and finally reached my hand out to help thousands of women throughout the world to do the same-and without social media and a website, no less!

I straightened my crown, and fiercely pursued the legacy I was meant for, so that my 6 beautiful children and grandchildren would have a model of what it looks like to stop self-abandoning and come FULLY alive to your purpose and soul’s journey, even after a series of tough seasons.
I want that for you too, Beloved.
We’ve bought into all of the lies of unworthiness, and have suffered fractures in our feminine knowing for long enough; being willing to live exhausted, depleted, unfulfilled, imbalanced lives of status quo and conformity.
It’s why so many women are sick, suffering, anxious, depressed, loveless, financially strained, lacking confidence and self-esteem, undercharging and undervaluing ourselves, unhappy, frustrated, and unfulfilled.
It’s not God’s will for us.

Wholeness is our BIRTHRIGHT…wealth is our birthright, love is what we are, and what we’re meant for, but we have to change at our core, we have to heal our feminine fractures, and our way of being, and upgrade how we’re showing up if we want to change our bank accounts and legacies!

This is why I’ve spent years pouring my 30 years of entrepreneurial savvy, and trade secrets from traveling the world being mentored by some of the best in the transformational industry into my signature TOTAL WOMAN ™ method, watching my clients from all over the globe shatter legacies that were holding them back, and for women like you, who know there’s MORE, to totally reinvent yourself, and come fully awake to your own power, dreams, and heart’s desires in ALL the areas of your life.
That’s my story, of living an absolutely dreamy, fulfilled life, but I wonder what would happen if YOU connected to your truest essence, and unleashed the part of YOU that has yet to be revealed…the part called ICONIC…the Queen within…the part you see glimpses of, that you know is there, but haven’t quite figured out how to access.
You CAN manifest your dreams and vision, and learn the CORRECT business strategies, with the right support and guidance.

It’s not too late!

Don’t wear yourself out languishing and hiding out in small, familiar, common, and safe; try to do it on your own.

There’s nothing safe there anyway, Sweet Soul.

You’re born to soar! You’re born to emerge and EXPAND!
If you’re not sure how to let me help!

Let’s look at your beautiful vision, and have an absolutely Divine power chat about what it would take to get you there.

Nothing happens by accident, but it can happen if you have the right playbook, mindset upgrades, and experienced support.
Let THIS be the year you change your life for GOOD!
You have no idea how powerful you really are, or how powerful the desires of your HEART are!
There are no replays, so give yourself permission to dream again, and to have them all!
It’s your turn to have an ICONIC testimony that inspires other women to have theirs!

With All My Love, Until...

Tonia Lewis, LCWC, empowers open-hearted, entrepreneurial women from around the globe, who want it ALL, to claim their heart’s desires, unleash their inner money maker, up-level their star power; and stand in their God given birthright to create RICH, on purpose lives, and soulfully aligned businesses; in the femininity, know-how & confidence to live their legacy, NOW!


A heart-centered, freedom fighter by nature, who’s owned multiple businesses and brands over the last 29 years, while homeschooling her 6 kiddos for 20; Tonia is an award winning, Certified International Freedom & Success Coach, Business & Life Strategist, Celebrity Stylist, & Speaker; amidst her MOST beloved roles of Momma of 6 and ‘Gammy’ of 7; who’s been featured on radio & TV, and regularly shares the virtual stage with some of the most iconic change-makers in the transformational industry; while creating yummy VIP and luxury experiences throughout the world and online, for her adored clientele to elevate their lifestyle, influence, and feminine fortune for EPIC success!

Success Stories

Ewonna 1

I absolutely love working with you. You create such a safe space to speak my truth so that I can really get and receive the healing that my life a business is calling for.

What inspired me to hire Tonia was knowing her story and life of being a mother of 6, and having multiple successful businesses.

When I began to work with Tonia my struggle was learning how to balance my life as a wife, mother of 4, with a blended family, and have clarity about my vision, and build and grow my business at the same time.

What was most helpful was Tonia’s ability to help me gain clarity on my business, events. and give me tools and know-how to improve habits that weren’t serving me or my business

My most immediate result was having complete clarity on my 1st paid event.

My biggest result was having more confidence to step into my power manifesting my heart’s desire in life and business.

Long-term results are belief in myself and seeing the fruits of labor manifest.

Coaching with Tonia also helped me have better relationships, and is still helping me gain clarity on my Divine ideal clients.

Ewonna Locklear
CEO + Founder of Extraordinary Living - Health, Beauty and Business Health and Lifestyle Coach Owner of Flawless-Glamour LLC

When I began to work with Tonia my struggle was learning how to balance my life as a wife, mother of 4, with a blended family, and have clarity about my vision, and build and grow my business at the same time.

What was most helpful was Tonia’s ability to help me gain clarity on my business, events. and give me tools and know-how to improve habits that weren’t serving me or my business

My most immediate result was having complete clarity on my 1st paid event.

My biggest result was having more confidence to step into my power manifesting my heart’s desire in life and business.

Long-term results are belief in myself and seeing the fruits of labor manifest.

Coaching with Tonia also helped me have better relationships, and is still helping me gain clarity on my Divine ideal clients.


Gina went on to be featured in Woman's Day after unleashing her star power and courageously starting her podcast, as well as hosting her very first women's empowerment retreat...

The results that I have experienced as a coach were immediate, learning from her as a client, has helped me be a better coach. I feel calmer, happier..

The clarity that she has helped me gain around my packages and pricing has allowed me to create a plan that feels executable and aligned. I have created a group coaching program that is ready to be launched at a price I am excited about and with a clear vision- I can SEE it and BELIEVE in it- that is worth the investment right there!

The results that I have experienced as a coach were immediate, learning from her as a client, has helped me be a better coach.

Gina R Farrar
Creator of Feminine Roadmap podcast, Speaker & Reinvention Coach Chino, California

The clarity that she has helped me gain around my packages and pricing has allowed me to create a plan that feels executable and aligned. I have created a group coaching program that is ready to be launched at a price I am excited about and with a clear vision- I can SEE it and BELIEVE in it- that is worth the investment right there!

The results that I have experienced as a coach were immediate, learning from her as a client, has helped me be a better coach.


Ready To Explore What’s Possible For You? Let’s Chat!

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